Two new species of Glyptothorax (Glyptothorax ater and Glyptothorax caudimaculatus) are described from the Koladyne basin of Mizoram State, India by Dr Nongmaithem Anganthoibi and Prof. Waikhom Vishwanath, Manipur University, Manipur.
Glyptothorax ater is distinguished from its congeners by the following combination of characters: dark brown body with two horizontal light creamish stripes, one each along mid-dorsal line and lateral lines; two pale creamish ovoid spots on either side of the dorsal-fin origin connected by thin creamish oblique stripes forming spectacle like mark; greatly arched predorsal profile; shorter nasal barbel not reaching anterior margin of eye; rhomboidal thoracic adhesive apparatus with a conspicuous central depression, longitudinally elongated and with a constriction at mid-length; ventral surfaces of the pectoral spine and two to four outer rays of the pelvic fin pleated.
Glyptothorax caudimaculatus is distinguished from its congeners by the following combination of characters: rhomboidal-shaped thoracic adhesive apparatus with its unculiferous ridges extending anteriorly onto the gular region; central depression on thoracic adhesive apparatus opening posteriorly in an inverted V-shaped form; sparsely granulated skin; papillated lips; long nasal barbel, its length being 35.2-43.3 % HL; acutely pointed snout; ventral surface of paired fin rays non-plaited; and posteriorly serrated pectoral-fin spine.
For more information see:
Two new species of Glyptothorax from the Koladyne basin, Mizoram, India (Teleostei: Sisoridae)
Nongmaithem Anganthoibi* and Waikhom Vishwanath*
Ichthyological Exploration of Freshwaters Volume 21 • Number 4 • December 2010